London-Project-Week 3BTE

From 15th September 2019 to 20th September 2019 we went on a trip to London. From 9am to 1:30pm we attended an international language school (DELFIN London) and afterwards we explored the city and visited the most famous sights and architectural masterpieces. Some of our impressions:
In my mind, the last school excursion to London was probably the best trip I’ve ever been on with my class. We all had so much fun and such a great time hanging around in London and visiting the most exciting sights and shops. If anyone asked me, if I wanted to go there again, I would definitely answer him “hell yes” because I never had so much fun with my classmates before. All in all, London is awesome!
Maximilian Stecher
Five days of immersing into the daily life of London through visiting imposing architectural landmarks, getting humorously but still instructively taught by natives and still having enough time to explore the city on our own made this week unique as no other one. Especially, the possibility to visit Squint Opera, a 3D visualisation office, had a special importance to me as it got me thinking about future career choices.
Michael Holzbauer
At the very beginning, I want to say that the hard “work/preparation” in school paid off because London was a really great experience. I honestly do not remember the last time when I walked that much but because of the walking, we got to see a lot from the city. Even though it was an exhausting week, it was an enjoyable change to the regular school lessons. To be honest, the language school was different than expected, I didn’t think we would meet so many other people from different countries. It was really interesting to listen to them from where they came from and what the reason was why they decided to learn English. All in all, I can say that it was an exciting but exhausting week.
Vanessa Juric
I will always remember this week as well balanced between immersing into the daily life of London and improving my language skills as the mixture between education and exploring the city was great. Our teachers had a great knowledge about the city of London, and they shared their knowledge with us. All in all, we learned a lot during this week, beside those points our class spirit got improved in the language school and during the sightseeing tours.
Simon Kaineder
The project week in London was a great experience, not only because of the language school but also because of the great buildings. London is one of the most beautiful cities concerning architecture and there are huge structure and fascinating sights to visit. This is the reason why this trip to London was one of my favourite sightseeing tours ever. In addition, we got a lot of expert knowledge about typical constructions of skyscrapers and stone facades. Furthermore, this week was stressful and exhausting as well because we went through the city all day long on foot. Finally, it is to say that the week in London was a major success.
Lukas Bayer
When our teachers first announced that we were going to fly to London, the whole class was ecstatic. Although the preparations for the trip lasted very long and were overall quite exhausting, it all paid off in the end. London is a wonderful city with a skyline to die for. The teachers at the language school we went to were really kind to us and tried to make the lessons as interesting as possible. Summarising, I can say that I´m really happy that we could see so much of London. I especially liked the Shard, because of its overwhelming presence in the city.
Deniz Kapan