Wie in den letzten Jahren hatten vier Schüler/innen der HTL 1 Bau und Design die Möglichkeit am Innocamp36 der FH Oberösterreich, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, School of Business and Management teilzunehmen – mit anderen Worten, findet Lösungen für spannende Probleme namhafter Firmen in nur 36 Stunden und präsentiere diese auch im Team.
Heuer nahmen Fr. Tubka, Fr. Prum, Hr. Heinzl und Hr. Visinoui aus der 4 Bauwirtschaftsklasse daran teil.
Arbeitssprache natürlich Englisch – wir sind immerhin in der FH Steyr – sales mit internationalen Studenten/innen
Ms Tuba
The innocamp was a great challenge for all of us!
At the beginning I felt really nervous and unsure about this competition. Being surrounded by people from different cultures and countries was both exciting and overwhelming. But as time went on, the event turned out to be so fun! I’m so grateful to have met these kind people who never made me feel unsure about myself, since they were all experienced people in this field. We even ended up winning the 3rd place, which made it all more memorable and significant.
Ms. Prum
At first, I felt anxious, nervous, and insecure because the others were more experienced and older. However, I eventually established a connection with them, and it was truly enjoyable to engage in conversations and learn about the diverse cultures represented by my group, which included people from all around the world, such as Ecuador, Belgium, Germany, and South Africa. We managed to make the audience laugh, and we were surrounded by inspiring creativity and ideas. The pitch session was the highlight of my experience, providing many laughs. Overall, it was a fantastic experience. The food was delicious, and I gained a wealth of new knowledge.
Mr. Visinoui
Its been a great experience for me. I learned how to solve problems in an economical and not in a technical way, how to create a product and then sell it to the customer. I met alot of nice people and i would definitely do it again!
Sowie jedes Jahr, eine Veranstaltung die durch Ihre Aufgaben, Ihre Teilnehmer und auch vorallem durch die perfekte Organisation und Ausführung Wissen auf eine einmalige Weisen vermittelt – Eine Veranstaltung die einfach Lust auf mehr macht.