// Ergänzung HTL1 Klem Link Open accordien

Nach einer Pause wurde heuer erstmals wieder eine InnoCamp36 Veranstaltung durchgeführt. Dabei handelt es sich um zwei anspruchsvolle Tage der FH Steyr (Fr. Dr. Überwimmer sowie Fr. Kesehage), bei der innerhalb von 36 Stunden Praxisaufgaben von namhaften Firmen (z.B. Voest Alpine, Internorm, Leitz uvm.) zur Problemlösung angeboten werden. Da es sich hier um eine internationale Ausrichtung handelt – natürlich in Englisch. Nach 36 Stunden muss dann innerhalb von 360 Sekunden ein Lösungsansatz einer Jury präsentiert werden.


Vier Schüler/innen der HTL 1 Abteilung Tiefbau/Zweig Bauwirtschaft (4 BW – Hr. Hausberger und Hr. Schauer, 5 BW – Fr. Seeber und Fr. Rauchfuß) haben daran teilgenommen und zwei von Ihnen durften sich mit Ihrem Team als Sieger feiern lassen.

At the InnoCamp 36 we had the chance to use all the business and construction knowledge we gained in the past few years of our education. We brainstormed in our company meetings and tried to find the best solution for the problems we were given. But we also used our english skills troughout the whole weekend in order to communicate with the FH students which came from 17 different countries. All in all we gained a lot of new knowledge and got the unique chance to work out a whole project from the beginning to the end just by connecting our minds in 36 hours. (Fr. Seeber und Fr. Rauchfuß)

Innovation, innovation, innovation – these Buzzwords dominated our thoughts at the Innocamp36 of international sales and marketing. During 36 hours of intensive debating and developing, students from Linz, Austria and all across the planet (Mexico, Indonesia, Venezuela, Albania, Belgium and many more) came together to solve challenges provided by 8 Austrian companies – hidden champions like Rubble Master and Silhouette participated as well as major businesses like Internorm and Voestalpine. After the meet and greet with all the other participants from HTL Linz, HAK Vöklabruck and FH Steyr itself, Ms. Überwimmer explained the schedule and divided us into groups of eight people per one of the eight participating companies. That’s when the work began: In the following two days the individual groups brainstormed ideas and refined them into detailed concepts. These concepts were then converted into informative but entertaining “start-up pitches”, which were presented to all participants and the company bosses. Matching the topic of Innocamp36, we had exactly 360 seconds to present our ideas in the pitches we so carefully created. Thanks to the remarkable teamwork of the groups, every presentation was fresh, and truely innovative. Our HTL1-Students as part of the internorm team featuring Mr. Hausberger and Mrs. Seeber were successful, achieving 1st rank and a price of 1000€, whereas the team of Rubble Master starring Mrs. Rauchfuss and Mr. Schauer were consulted by the applying company to investigate the topic of creating an aggregate business model in even more detail. To my humble opinion the exchange with a vast diveestiy of other cultures, may it be in the workplace or the after-party, was an asset to our knowledge of the market and the personal development. The knowledge will still benefits us in class or at the internship. (Hr. Hausberger und Hr. Schauer)

Eine Veranstaltung die durch Ihre perfekte Organisation, einer einmaligen Umgebung und einem hohem praxisbezogenen Lerneffekt Lust auf mehr macht.

