Wenn es eine moderne und innovative Form gibt komplexe Themen zu lehren und zu bearbeiten, dann muss diese Form INNOCAMP36 der FH Steyr heißen. Ein äußerst motiviertes Team von Professoren und Mentoren schafft es in einer perfekt organisierten Umgebung Problemstellungen von international tätigen Firmen (dieses Jahr VOEST, TGM, MERLIN, evil eye, FABASOFT, Rosenbauer, Trodat) mit fortschrittlichen Methoden durch junge, motivierte und interessierte, internationale Studenten/innen in nur 36 Stunden zu lösen. Natürlich auf Englisch. Aus der HTL1 Bau und Design Linz nahmen heuer vier Damen (Fr. Sanli Jacqueline, Fr. Mehic Elmana, Fr. Islamovic Selina, Fr. Niedermair Natascha) aus der 4BTW die Challenge auf sich.

Aber lassen Sie unsere vier Damen kurz Ihre Impressionen beschreiben – natürlich auch auf Englisch:
„Experiences at the InnoCamp – EvilEye At first I was a bit insecure and nervous because the rest of the participants were older students with much more experience. However, I quickly settled into the project and, despite time pressure and stress, I had a lot of fun working and at the same time I gained great experience. On the one hand, I didn’t care whether we would win or not, because the presentation was very successful and we also received great feedback from Ms. Susanne Kumpfmüller (CEO of EvilEye). Nevertheless, I can proudly say that we made it to 1st place – but well deserved!“
…Selina Islamovic
“Talking about the InnoCamp36 I can just say, that it was one of the best experiences I have ever had during 12 years of school. The project was well organized from the beginning to the end. Every team was led through the whole project by a personal coach, which included the main part of the camp, the question of a different Austrian company.
While working on the solution to the question, I could learn a lot, I could improve my English and had a lot of fun as well. Furthermore I got to know a lot of new people from all over the world and made some new friends. All in all, I can highly recommend the InnoCamp36 for everybody who is likely to do challenging and new things.
PS: the free food was also very good”
… Niedermair Natascha
„Participating at the innocamp36 was a great experience. It’s amazing how much I’ve learned in this short time: lots of new terms, lots of new English vocabulary. I also really liked working in a team, because everyone has different ideas and when you summarize them, you are amazed at how quickly a solution can be found. Presenting the solutions to the companies and the other participants was also fun because there were no restrictions on creativity. I’m so glad I got the opportunity to be part of such a great project. For me it was an experience from which I benefitted.“
…Mehic Elmana
Die HTL 1 Damen konnten mit Ihren Teams den ersten Platz (evil eye- mit dem Thema „evil eye goes USA! How to launch high functional sports glasses made in Austria in the US market?“ ) sowie den dritten Platz (Firma Rosenbauer mit dem Thema „What will the resilient and sustainable firefighting infrastructure of tomorrow look like)“ gewinnen.
Mein besonderer Dank gilt Fr. Dr. D.I. Überwimmer, Fr. Keshehage und Ihrem ganzen Team für eine gelungene Form Wissen zu vermitteln und die Chance für unsere Schüler/innen an dieser außergewöhnlichen Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. Dank auch den Betreuerinnen des Erasmus Kurses (Fr. Prof. Menge und Fr. Prof. Wagner) die hier eine Teilnahme Ihrer Schülerinnen ermöglichten sowie Fr. Prof. Lumetzberger-Kollmann. Last but not least gilt mein größter DANK unseren vier Damen, die eine außerordentliche Leistung dargeboten haben.
Quelle: https://www.fh-ooe.at/en/steyr-campus/innocamp/innocamp36/