// Ergänzung HTL1 Klem Link Open accordien

Am 21. und 22. Oktober 2020 nahmen die Schüler der HTL1 Bau und Design am Innocamp36® teil. Der Hauptzweck dieser Veranstaltung ist es, hochmotivierte Studenten aus verschiedenen Kulturen und mit unterschiedlichen Talenten und Interessen zusammenzubringen, um zukunftsweisende Herausforderungen zu lösen, die von engagierten Unternehmen vorgeschlagen werden. Innerhalb von 36 Stunden analysierten acht interdisziplinäre Teams intensiv ihre zugewiesenen Herausforderungen, erarbeiteten Ideen und Konzepte und diskutierten und entwickelten Lösungen, um schließlich ihre Ansätze einer Jury vorzustellen. Die Jury bestand aus Vertretern von acht verschiedenen Unternehmen. Beide Teilnehmer der HTL1 schrieben ein kurzes Statement, in denen sie über ihre Innocamp36® Erfahrungen und Eindrücke an der FH Steyr, Oberösterreich, berichten.


On 21st October and 22nd October 2020 two students of the Higher Technical College for construction engineering took part at the Innocamp36®. The main purpose of this event is to bring together highly motivated students from different cultures and with different talents and interests to solve future-oriented challenges proposed by dedicated companies. Within a period of 36 hours, eight interdisciplinary teams intensively analysed their assigned challenges, created ideas and concepts and discussed and developed solutions to finally present their approaches to a jury. The jury consisted of representatives of eight different companies. Both of the participants of the HTL1 wrote a short statement where you can read about their Innocamp36® experiences and impressions at the FH Steyr, Upper Austria

Timucin Güney, 5BW: I am so glad that I got the chance to take part in the InnoCamp36® this year. My team consisted of students from eight different nations from Russia to Thailand. Within a short period of time, we had to create a team spirit to be able to work together on the problem that HILTI AT had given us. All of my team members were very open-minded and helped me to really improve myself within only 36 hours. Innocamp36® was a sneak peak into the business world in a field I have always been interested in.

Within those two days, I actually recognised what I was already capable of doing and what I have already learned so far at college. I was able to use and share my knowledge with my team members. Everyone at the event was very friendly and helpful. It felt like we were working together for something bigger. In 36 hours we hat do brainstorm as many ideas as possible so that we could finally figure out the best solution suitable for all team members.

We then went on to write an interesting, funny and innovative role play for the presentation at the end of the second day. To illustrate our enthusiasm and creativity and to catch the attention of the audience we even wrote a short song. My team went on to win the 3rd place with our presentation. But it was not only about winning. The whole event was about learning. It is not the prize money that I will remember, it will be the experience and all the new people I met there.

Elisabeth Wurzinger, 4BTE: When my teacher, Mr Scheikl, told us about the InnoCamp36® I wasn’t quite sure if I wanted to take part, as I was the only one in my class who was seriously considering participating. Undoubtedly, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It was overwhelmed when I entered the building as I slowly recognised, all of the other students were much older than me and I was afraid I wouldn’t understand anything. Luckily, the people in my team were very open-minded and I realised that I could be very proud of my command of English. Talking about my team I have to add that there were students from Russia, Denmark, Germany and Belgium among us – a great mix which turned out to be fun!

We were able to gain a real insight into the management world, with its innovative ideas, the time pressure and the problems involved. At the end of the first day, we had put down all our ideas and finished the presentation. On the next day, when the boss of our company representative arrived, our efforts were worthless, just like in the real world, because he didn’t like our ideas and we had less than 5h time to develop a completely new concept. Under a lot of time pressure we collected

some new ideas and tried to present them as well as possible. We may not have won the prize money, but we did win the most important prize: the experience we made together in the team and the insight into the real world of management that we gained.

To sum up, it is to say that I would highly recommend everyone to take the chance and take part. As a student you don’t often have the opportunity to gather such great and valuable experience. Even if it is not your field of specialisation at college, you can participate and take a look behind the scenes of a completely new world – the global sales and marketing world