// Ergänzung HTL1 Klem Link Open accordien

Auch dieses Jahr stellten sich drei Schüler/innen der HTL 1 Bau und Design (aus der 5BTE waren dies Fr. Wurzinger und Hr. Kickinger sowie aus der 4BW Hr. Sollmann) zusammen mit internationalen Studenten der Herausforderung InnoCamp36®. Diese außergewöhnliche Veranstaltung wird von der FH Oberösterreich unter Fr. FH-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Margarethe Überwimmer (Head of Study Programmes Global Sales and Marketing, Head of Research Area Global Business Management) und Ihrem Team organisiert und ist auf Grund der reibungslosen Organisation mittlerweile jedes Jahr ein Highlight.

Eine Herausforderung, die es in sich hat: in 36 Stunden müssen für Firmen Lösungen zu konkreten Problemstellungen mittels kreativen Techniken gefunden werden und das alles auf Englisch.

Diese Lösungen mussten dann in 360 Sekunden pro Team professionell präsentiert werden. Neben den einzigartigen Erfahrungen konnten unsere/r Schüler/in den zweiten und dritten Platz mit Ihren Teams erringen. Eine Erfahrung die für das weitere Leben einen absoluten Gewinn darstellt.

Bericht einer Teilnehmerin:

Impressions of the Innocamp36 in Steyr.

This year the Innocamp36® was not new to me anymore as I’ve already participated last year. Thankfully the head of FH Steyr invited students from our school again this year. For those who might not know what the Innocamp36® is all about, I will shortly summarise its main idea and purpose. Teams of around eight people should solve a company`s marketing or sales problems. Each team has its own company and its own problem to solve. This year there have been ten companies which means there were ten different teams participating. The students have a tight schedule and exactly 36 hours to come up with a great and creative idea/solution for the company representatives and their CEOs.

To my luck I was a member of a very goal-oriented team and in this way experienced a whole new team spirit like in the year before. Our coach, a professor at the FH Steyr, helped us by showing us creative ways and methods for brainstorming and for bringing forward new ideas. She was very impressed by our workflow and by how much we had managed to create in such a short period of time. By the end of those two days, we presented our main ideas to the jury. Our hard work paid off as we were announced as the second-best team and got the doubled price money since the CEO of the company “Merlin” was so impressed by our ideas. To put it in a nutshell, these two days were an amazing possibility to get a little sneak peak into the world of marketing and sales management. I can definitely recommend it to all the other students and I hope that in the future more pupils will take the chance to experience a whole new world at FH Steyr– the global sales and marketing world.